Federico Martellini Apps

RevCounter 2.0
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnzVK04YmR4&feature=youtu.beRevCounter reads, through your Androiddevice microphone (Smartphones or Tablet) , noise emitted from an internal combustion engine andcalculates RPM. To do this, software records sound, for approximately 1.5seconds   from your engine and processit returning to you  RPM on yourdevice display . Afterthat  RevCounter records the next 1.5 secondsand proceed to another process. This processcontinues reading update speed  every 1.5 seconds ,until the user press  "Exit" button that closethe RevCounter. Decision to recordsevery 1.5 seconds is consequent to a compromisebetween several factors.Resolution of 40 revolutions per minute(RPM ) ,( RevCounter is able to detect changes of 40RPM ) it corresponds to the accuracy in the case that engine is working with aconstant speed. As mentioned above if the engine is working with aconstant speed, the maximum error that you make onthe RPM is just 40 RPM,while for changes of thousandsof RPM in a second, the error will be about onehundred RPM . If you have largest RPM changes , display will showyou an average value between maximum and  minimum RPM.We have not found  malfunctionson any devices used to test RevCounter . RevCounter is NOT able to detect  RPM fromturbine . If the engine noise is too weak RevCounter  may not beable to read it .For any questions please don’t  hesitate to contactme.